tips mudah bahasa inggris




Listening comprehension
I.       Introduction
I. Thesis statement: In learning English, to gain a better understanding and students can use listening effectifely there are several strategies in listening comprehension that can they doing before listening, during and after listening to improve the ability students.
II.    Body
A.    The strategies before listening
1.      Decide the purpose
2.      More background information
3.      Attend to overall meaning or focus on the words
B.     The strategies during listening
1.      Decide what is important to understand or not
2.      Take a notes
3.      Re-listen
C.     Strategies after listening
1.      Respond.
2.      Summarize
3.      Extend
III. Conclusion
The conclude, listening comprehension being important for learning English as second language. From the strategies can help students to get a better understanding and can use or implementation their listening comprehension with effectively.

Strategy in Listening Comprehension
Listening skills are essential for learning since they enable students to acquire insight information and to achieve success in communicating with others. Listening strategies can be classified by how the listener processes the input. To gain a better understanding and students can use effectively, there are several strategies in listening comprehension that can students doing: before listening, during and after listening to improve the ability.
First, before listen to a text, students should decide the purpose in advance what one wants to listen. Students have to decide what their purpose is. Becoming aware of this fact will help students to focus on the important points and reach goal. Then, students should decide if more background information is needed. Think about the topic of the text the students are going to listen to, what students already know about it, what could possibly be the content of the text, which words come to mind that students already know, and which words the students  want to look up. It is will help students  for prepare them self more to listen a text. Next, students should determine to attend to the overall meaning or focus on the words and phrase. When the students wanna hear a text, determine wether to enter the text from the top down (attend to the overall meaning) or from the bottom up (focus on words). If students choose top down strategy, students can predict the content and use the various materials like pictures or keyword to understand the meaning. If students choose bottom up strategy, students know about segments and details. Students need deep concentration with details and use this strategy for enhance thier ability.
Second, after  prepare all the students need for listening, next try the strategies that students can use during listening. First, students should decide what is important to understand and what is not important to understand. It is not necessary to understand every single word. Try to ignore the words that you think are less important anyway. If there are words or issues that you not understand, use your general knowledge as well as the context to find out the meaning. Always focus on keywords , take a note to support your memory. Intonation and stress of the speaker can help students to understand what they hear. Second, students should view again to ensure comprehension from their notes. Write notes can help to remember the ideas, use connected circles or shapes, create a chart or draw a map and do not forget to pay attention to intonation. Next, re-listen, when students get ideas and that are hard, students need to find away to get back on track. Students do not have to wait until the end to re-listen, sometime a quickly track can make confusion. This is important especially at the beginning of an audio, if students can not re-listening, try to a different listening strategy that may to regain the focus. For instance, if students still confused with notes taking, students need to look up the meaning.
Third, after doing the  strategy when students listen, students can doing strategy after listening, what should they do after listen. First, give respond for the test. students agree or not, and what parts the students like best and what parts are confusing. Write the reaction so the students will not forget them. Then, read lecture notes several times after class. In student head, summarize what the assignment was about and test by ownself on a notes. After that, extend the test. Read and listen to other sources for more information about the topic. Learning more information and makes a topic more meaningful and interesting, especially if students can share the ideas with others.
The conclude, listening comprehension being important for learning English as second language. From the strategies can help student to get a better understanding and can use or implementation their listening comprehension with effectively.

OUTLINING : Comparison and Contrast Essay

I.       Thesis Statement : There is a relationship between listening and reading skills, they have similarities and differences.
II.    Body:
A.    Listening and reading have some silmilarities.
1.      The first similarity of listening and reading is appreciative
a.       Enjoy the activity
2.      The second similarity of  listening and reading is receptive
a.       received information
3.      the third similarity of  listening and reading is equally functional
a.       To know the information.
B.     Listening and reading have some differences
1.      In listening, students are conducted by direct communication and in reading skills, tend to perform communications occur indirectly.
a.       hearing directly
b.      An active process
a.       Should read first
2.      In listening to convey information students use the verbal media and in reading, convey the  information from written media.
a.       hear something.
b.      Read from the various sources.

III. Conclusion
In conclusion, listening and reading is one of the an important aspect in learning English. Based on the above explanation, listening and reading have similarities and they also have differences. But from these similarities and differences will help the students to better understand what is listening and what it speaking.


Every language skills has a relationship between skills one with another. The four skills are basically an unity. In learning English as a second language, some of them are listening and reading skills. Listening skills are fundamental or essential factor for the success of a person to learn and read effectively, therefore they are included in the essential component in learning English. There is a relationship between listening and reading skills, they have similarities and differences.
The first similarity of listening and reading is appreciative. Appreciative is an activity to enjoy, understand, appreciate, and pay attention. In hearing, students get some information and then identify what they heard and also interpreting the meaning what they heard. Likewise with reading, students read a text and they are trying to enjoy reading. Students understand, try to identify, and could find a meaning of the text that they have  read.
The second similarity of listening and reading in receptive. Receptive is an activity received information from certain sources. In listening the students receive information from what they heard and read. Both are equally is allows students to receive information from any sources. A person not only receives through the ears and eyes but at the same time involving the perception, attention, interpretation and response evaluation activities.
The third similarity of listening and reading in functional. The point here, listening and reading have the same function is to know the new information. From the information obtained that get inside,  would help to generate ideas and new ideas.
In listening and reading skills also have the distinguishes, that the way of communication and media used.
In listening, students are conducted by direct communication. In the other words, students had some information through hearing directly about what the information that convey a person, and also directly identify from what they hear. Listening is also referred to as an active process. While on reading skills, students tend to perform communications occur indirectly. Students can get the information with they read first. Without reading how students will get the information, could not possibly from others, because it is not a process of reading.
Furthermore, in listening to convey information students use the verbal media. Where, first students hear something, example from the mouth of someone, and only after that, the students can understand and be understood. But, in reading skills the students can only obtain the information from written media, from various sources such as books, wall magazines, flyers and others. If someone wants to find out information from a text, they must read, because without reading they can not get the meaning of the text.
In conclusion, in learning English listening and reading is one of the an important aspect. Based on the above explanation, listening and reading have similarities and they also have differences. But from these similarities and differences will help the students to better understand what is listening and what it speaking.


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